This web site is by kids and for kids! You can write us anytime to say hi or ask a question. You can also write us and tell us how you helped someone. This will always be a safe place for kids, so we will keep everything private and we will never, ever, ever share your name or email address on a list that sells stuff. Everything on Kare By Kids stays on Kare By Kids.
You can talk to us or ask a question
GO GREEN and be a Kare Kid and help someone! There are lots of things you can do to help. You can visit a sick kid at the hospital and sit with them, you can save an animal from being abused, and you can help a kid that's being bullied at school. When you help someone, send us a picture and tell us, and we'll send you a green Kare Kids wristband! If you want, we can put you on our web site and tell how you helped someone. We'll only use your first name and keep your information private. To tell us the story of how you helped someone and get a green Kare Kids wristband, click the button below.
A web site by kids to help kids with bullying, caring for animals, and helping kids fight bad problems like cancer.
Content copyright 2019, Kare by Kids and All rights reserved.
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